Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Ruby Wednesdays

Hello everyone! 

I've had a mad few weeks, from flying to Birmingham with work, to London the week after, and then plenty of college work , as well as actual work being crazy! I wanted to come on to first of all tell you about my very exciting weekend!!

After I posted videos on snapchat of me taking a scissors to my hair Ruby Brown's Hair & Beauty Salon reached out to me and invited me in to the salon this weekend! To say I'm excited is an understatement! I love Ruby Brown's, the girls always take the best care of me (and everyone else), from their amazing nail technicians, and make up artists & waxers & of course the amazing hair stylists. I haven't gotten my hair dyed in a year since I went red-copper with Ruby Brown's last year, here's a pic: 

I loved this style so much but I'm a very low maintenance girl - ( Daniel would say otherwise.....) so I went back to my roots & did an at home colour- sorry Gemma!!

I'm not sure what I'll do on Saturday, it won't be anything too drastic! 

The girls in Ruby Brown's are also doing an AMAZING giveaway for BeyoncĂ© tickets, SoSu contour palette, a GHD, a Crown brush set, & a HD Brow set! Here is all the info: 

I also want to say in light of the recent controversy, this post or anything I ever write is NOT and will ever be paid for or sponsored!! I believe in supporting local businesses & giving credit where credit is due. 

If you want to follow my journey live on Saturday then I'll be reporting from my snapchat - Alongcamepollly!  I'm so excited be going home this weekend & voting Friday! 

Hope everyone is well on these cold morning! 

Til debt do us part, 

Elisha :) xo 

Monday, February 01, 2016

Hello....It's me...

Hello everyone,

I'm not even going to do my usual 'I can't believe I haven't written a blog post in so long' speech, I'm going to get straight in to it!

This post is pretty much rounding up what has been going on in my pretty hectic life in the past few months. You may or may not know, but I began a Masters in September in Digital Marketing & Analytics. I am absolutely loving the course 90% of the time, the other 10% I usually spend crying in to my laptop screaming WHY at excel- (can anyone actually work excel?!). The course is very tough, but our material and lecturers are second to none. In another blog post I can talk a little about the course if it's something you might be interested in?

Apart from the Masters, everything else in my life has remained pretty much the same. I'm still working away in the pharmacy and loving it, I'm still very much in love (too much?!) and I'm still broke three out the four weeks in every month. However, regular readers will be proud to hear that I have been budgeting and I managed to not buy ANY clothes or make up for the entire month of January. (Yes, you read that correctly.) I didn't even find it that hard, I have been putting most of my energy in to work and college that I haven't even missed it that much!

I don't really know where this post is meant to be going, I hadn't planned on even writing anything but I felt that I abandoned my blog and after all the work I put in to it when I first began, I couldn't just walk away from it. When I began blogging in 2013 I was living at home, I had gone through a tough break up and I needed to focus my energy on, well, me basically. It was one of the best things I have ever done, and the support I received from readers and businesses, especially from Ballina was and has been incredible. I have thought a lot about quitting the blog, it's pretty non existent the last year, and I think as I'm getting older, there's more of my life I want to keep private. I also felt like I was totally irrelevant, I wasn't living at home anymore and who really cares about my 6am starts and Dublin bus-ing? But, I miss the writing, I miss talking to people through it, and I miss actually feeling like I'm doing something else besides working and studying. So, if you'll have me, I'd like to wave my white flag and slowly return to writing. There will be some changes, I don't shop as much, and my style has changed quite a bit since you last followed me, mainly down to my early starts and the fear of not being employed when I graduate! I will talk about my life in as much detail as I can, college, skincare and make up of course,and the general goings on of my mind! 2016 is a year I'm very excited about, and I have some exciting things in the pipeline.

So, to end this rather long winded rant, I would like to say, I'm back, kind of, I'll just be wearing a little more black and a little less tiaras. (Tulle skirt is still a firm staple however.)

If there is anything you would like me to focus on in upcoming posts please get in touch.

Til debt do us part,

elisha xo